dc.contributor.advisor | Samohýl, Jan | |
dc.contributor.author | Albrecht, David | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-11-19T12:56:03Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-11-19T12:56:03Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2012 | |
dc.date.submitted | 2012-03-28 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.jcu.cz/handle/20.500.14390/2449 | |
dc.description.abstract | Nový pohled na vnímání druhého přinesly dvě filosofické tradice: fenomenologie a dialogický personalismus. Obě na sebe vzájemně v otázce druhého působily a jejich reflexe nechala vzniknout velmi pozoruhodné myšlenkové interakci. Práce představuje pojetí druhého v obou tradicích a zároveň se pokouší vystihnout jejich vzájemný vztah a míru vlivu jedné na druhou, se zdůrazněním prvořadosti etiky, jak se projevila v historickém vývoji obou uvedených filosofických tradic, a v níž se snad problém druhých myslí reálně řeší. | cze |
dc.format | 67 s. | |
dc.format | 67 s. | |
dc.language.iso | cze | |
dc.publisher | Jihočeská univerzita | cze |
dc.rights | Bez omezení | |
dc.subject | Já | cze |
dc.subject | ty | cze |
dc.subject | intersubjektivita | cze |
dc.subject | druhý | cze |
dc.subject | svědomí | cze |
dc.subject | svoboda | cze |
dc.subject | odpovědnost | cze |
dc.subject | svět | cze |
dc.subject | Bůh | cze |
dc.subject | dialog | cze |
dc.subject | vcítění | cze |
dc.subject | subjekt | cze |
dc.subject | objekt | cze |
dc.subject | spolubytí | cze |
dc.subject | stud | cze |
dc.subject | tělo | cze |
dc.subject | tělesnost | cze |
dc.subject | tvář | cze |
dc.subject | vztah. | cze |
dc.subject | I | eng |
dc.subject | You | eng |
dc.subject | intersubjectivity | eng |
dc.subject | the Other | eng |
dc.subject | consciousness | eng |
dc.subject | freedom | eng |
dc.subject | responsibility | eng |
dc.subject | world | eng |
dc.subject | God | eng |
dc.subject | dialogue | eng |
dc.subject | empathy | eng |
dc.subject | subject | eng |
dc.subject | object | eng |
dc.subject | Being-with | eng |
dc.subject | shame | eng |
dc.subject | body | eng |
dc.subject | bodiness | eng |
dc.subject | face | eng |
dc.subject | relation. | eng |
dc.title | Druhý mezi fenoménem a dialogem | cze |
dc.title.alternative | The Other Between Phenomenon and Dialogue | eng |
dc.type | diplomová práce | cze |
dc.identifier.stag | 25421 | |
dc.description.abstract-translated | The thesis is concerned with the matter of intersubjectivity, traditionally called as ?a question of the other minds?. The new approach in this area was brought mainly by two philosophical movements: by phenomenology and by dialogical personalism. They both reacted to each other in this point, and their reflexions upon this matter resulted in very outstanding discoveries, with influence untill nowadays. Thesis introduces the concept of the Other in each of both mentioned traditions, simultaneously tries to grasp surprisingly similar result of philosofical analysis in different traditions, and also tries to stress the primacy of ethics in historical development of both traditions as a place of meeting of (the other) minds. | eng |
dc.date.accepted | 2012-06-04 | |
dc.description.department | Teologická fakulta | cze |
dc.thesis.degree-discipline | Filozofie | cze |
dc.thesis.degree-grantor | Jihočeská univerzita. Teologická fakulta | cze |
dc.thesis.degree-name | Mgr. | |
dc.thesis.degree-program | Filozofie | cze |
dc.description.grade | Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou | cze |