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dc.contributor.advisorHavierniková, Lucie
dc.contributor.authorKubalová, Daniela
dc.description.abstractAbstrakt Bakalářská práce se venuje problematice determinantu práce sester v domovech pro seniory. Determinanty jsou faktory, ktere ovlivňuji psychickou a fyzickou zátez sester při peci o seniora v pobytovem zařizeni. Domov pro seniory je pobytove zařizeni, ktere je urcene seniorum se snizenou sobestacnosti. K zajišteni svych základnich potřeb zde senioři vyzaduji pravidelnou pomoc jine osoby. Sestra je nepostradatelnou soucásti zdravotnickeho tymu, ktery o seniory v techto zařizenich pecuje. Cilem bakalářske práce bylo zmapovat nejcastejši determinanty práce sester v domovech pro seniory. Praktická cást byla zpracována pomoci kvalitativniho vyzkumneho šetřeni. Vyzkumny vzorek tvořilo 10 všeobecnych sester pracujicich v danem domove pro seniory na standartnim oddeleni a na oddeleni se zvláštnim rezimem. Data pro práci byla ziskávána pomoci polostrukturovanych rozhovoru. Z vysledku vyzkumneho šetřeni vyplynulo, ze dotazovane sestry jsou ovlivňovány celou řadou determinantu, kdy nektere determinanty pusobi negativne a nektere pozitivne. Za determinanty, ktere je nejvice ovlivňuji, sestry povazuji pracovni kolektiv, motivaci a pracovni prostředi. Pozitivnim zjištenim bylo, ze sestry práce v domove naplňuje a pece o seniory uspokojuje. Jako negativum sestry vnimaji caste přetezováni personálu. Tato zjišteni mohou byt vyuzita vedenim jednotlivych zařizeni k dostatecne motivaci stávajicich všeobecnych sester.cze
dc.publisherJihočeská univerzitacze
dc.rightsBez omezení
dc.subjectdeterminanty; ošetřovatelská pece; senior; sestracze
dc.subjectdeterminants; nursing care; senior; nurseeng
dc.titleDeterminanty práce sester v domovech pro seniory.cze
dc.title.alternativeWork determinants of nurses in homes for the elderly people.eng
dc.typebakalářská prácecze
dc.description.abstract-translatedThe bachelor's thesis is devoted to the issue of the determinants of the work of nurses in homes for the elderly. Determinants are factors that affect the mental and physical burden of nurses when caring for the elderly in a residential facility. A home for the elderly is a residential facility intended for seniors with reduced self-sufficiency. Here, seniors require regular help from another person to provide for their needs. The nurse is an indispensable part of the medical team that cares for the elderly in these facilities. The aim of the bachelor thesis was to map the most frequent determinants of the work of nurses in homes for the elderly. The practical part was processed using a qualitative research survey. The research sample consisted of 10 general nurses working in a given home for the elderly in a standard ward and a ward with a special regime. Data for the work were obtained using semi-structured interviews. The results of the research showed that the interviewed nurses are influenced by a whole range of determinants, where some determinants have a negative and some positive effect. Nurses consider the work team, motivation and work environment to be the determinants that influence them the most. A positive finding was that the work in the home fulfills the nurses, and the care of the elderly is satisfying. Nurses perceive frequent overwork of the staff as a negative. These findings can be used by the management of individual facilities to sufficiently motivate existing general nurses.eng
dc.description.departmentZdravotně sociální fakultacze
dc.thesis.degree-disciplineVšeobecná sestracze
dc.thesis.degree-grantorJihočeská univerzita. Zdravotně sociální fakultacze
dc.description.gradeDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajoboucze
dc.contributor.refereeDoležalová, Jitka

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