Regional Identity and Linguistic Identity.
Since aspects of identifications represent hot topics of the discourses within modern globalized societies, this thesis aims to shed light on the patterns of identification with regions and languages that may be applied by multilingual speakers. Thus, it reports the results of the qualitative research having as a target to explore, highlight and contextualise the main issues connected to the conceptualization of region and corresponding regional and linguistic identities. This study is based on the combination of results obtained after the literature review and the conduction of semi-structured interviews with eleven multilingual speakers. The empirical data were analysed with the help of sequential analysis, coding and categorization. After the application of the corresponding methods, the following main categories or aspects were singled out: particular vision of the concept of region, features and perception of regional and linguistic identity, importance of English language, coexistence of multiple identities and European identity. These outcomes find their reflection within corresponding sources and may be considered as those that contribute to the researches on multilingualism, international communication and regional studies.
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