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dc.contributor.authorMusil, Davidcze
dc.contributor.authorŠnorek, M.cze
dc.contributor.authorGallo, J.cze
dc.contributor.authorJahoda, D.cze
dc.contributor.authorStehlík, Jiřícze
dc.description.abstractNáklady na léčbu infikované kloubní náhrady jsou vysoké a významně přesahují úhradu od zdravotních pojišťoven. Celkem bylo do souboru zařazeno 24 pacientů, 11 mužů a 13 žen.cze
dc.formatp. 173-180cze
dc.publisherČeská společnost pro ortopedii a traumatologiicze
dc.relation.ispartofActa chirurgiae orthopaedicae et traumatologiae Čechoslovaca, volume 86, issue: 3cze
dc.subjecttotální náhrada kolenního kloubucze
dc.subjectekonomická analýzacze
dc.subjecttotal knee arthroplastyeng
dc.subjectPJI- periprostetic joint infectioneng
dc.subjecteconomic analysiseng
dc.titleEkonomická analýza nákladů na hospitalizaci pacientů s infekční komplikací totální náhrady. 1. část: totální náhrada kolenního kloubucze
dc.title.alternativeEconomic Analysis of the Costs of Hospital Stay of Patients with Infection as a Complication of Total Replacements - Part 1: Total Knee Arthroplastyeng
dc.description.abstract-translatedThe study aims to quantify the costs of a hospital stay of patients with total knee periprosthetic joint infection throughout the period of treatment. The group included patients who have been treated at our department for infection as a complication of total knee replacement since 1 January 2011, who have been provided with treatment (including complications) exclusively at the departments of Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s. and whose treatment can be considered completed in 2018. The patients were included in the study regardless of the type of infection and method of treatment. The group consisted of 24 patients (11 men and 13 women). There were 2 cases of early postoperative infection, 6 cases of late postoperative infection and 16 cases of hematogenous infection. The group includes 17 patients treated by a two-stage reimplantation, 6 patients treated by a revision surgery with implant retention, and 1 patient treated by a one-stage replacement. In selected patients, all the reported points for all the hospital stays and costs incurred on a separately charged material were ascertained and the final sum was compared with the reimbursement obtained by the hospital in the DRG system valid for the respective year of treatment. The total costs were analysed and moreover, an analysis by type of infection and method of treatment was carried out.eng

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