Browsing Ostatní publikace by Title
Now showing items 104-123 of 463
E-Business Development: The Comparative Study of The Czech Republic and The Ukraine
(Regional Science Association of Subotica, 2017)This paper summarizes the current basis for e-business development in the EU with the focus on the Czech Republic with comparison with the associated Ukraine. After description of managerial and accountancy aspects for the ... -
Eating habits in adolescents
(STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2018)Background: The period of adolescence is often considered the most difficult and the most important period of human life, which includes the modulation of basic human values. In the period of adolescence, primary prevention ... -
The echo of things: The lives of photographs in the Solomon Islands
(2015)Review article of the book Wright, Ch. 2013. The echo of things: The lives of photographs in the Solomon Islands. Durham & London: Duke University Press. -
Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario) from the military training area Boletice (Czech republic)
(Maghira and Maaspublications, 2016)This study to assess the environmental pollution status in streams (Loutecky, Spicak, Olsina, Trebovicky, Polecnicky and Luzny) from the Boletice area. Were determined of some metal (Hg, Pb, Cd) concentrations in the muscle ... -
Education and content of civil defence training in Czechoslovakia in the years between 1938 and 1951
(STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2018)This article is a reflection of civil defence education as one of basic element of education. The research focuses on the period 1938 – 1951; period between the time before World War II burst out and the time of political ... -
Education and training of crisis management and civil protection workers in the Slovac Republic
(International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference SGEM, 2018)The aim of this article is analyse the current state of education and training of crisis management and civil protection workers in the Slovak Republic. Within the introduction part, we have discussed the role and activities ... -
Education in the area of heart and vessel diseases for 40+ citizens
(Česká kardiologická společnost, 2018)Introduction and goal: The heart and vessel diseases rank among main causes of death worldwide. In the Czech Republic, they account for a high proportion of hospitalizations. Although such diseases can be very well influenced ... -
Education of the patient and the patient´s family as one of the components of the intervention program for prevention of fall of hospitalized patients
(STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2018)Fall-endangered patients, as well as their family should be informed on the reasons and ways of fall, on measures reducing the risk of fall, on undesirable effects of the medicines prescribed (e.g. due to the sleepiness ... -
Edukuje lékař seniora dostatečně o ovlivnitelných rizicích kardiovaskulárních onemocnění?
(Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně, 2018)Rozsáhlý výzkumný projekt byl zaměřen na preventivní intervence v kardiologii. Cílem příspěvku je prezentace dílčích dat z rozsáhlého šetření, která jsou zacílena na kardioprevenci z pohledu seniorů. K realizaci výzkumného ... -
The effect of elevation on haematocrit in Ethiopian rodents
(Ústav biologie obratlovců AV ČR, 2020)Key adaptations enabling mammals to cope with oxygen deficiency at high elevations relate to oxygen transfer into the blood. Among others, the efficiency of this mechanism depends on haematocrit (Hct, the volumetric fraction ... -
The efficiency of the patient fall prevention programme in selected medical institutions
(Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zdravotně sociální fakulta, 2020)Patient falls are frequent unwanted events. Hospital managements have the important task of implementing an efficient programme of patient fall prevention – which is complex, multifactorial and highly individualized. The ... -
Ekonomická analýza nákladů na hospitalizaci pacientů s infekční komplikací totální náhrady. 1. část: totální náhrada kolenního kloubu
(Česká společnost pro ortopedii a traumatologii, 2019)Náklady na léčbu infikované kloubní náhrady jsou vysoké a významně přesahují úhradu od zdravotních pojišťoven. Celkem bylo do souboru zařazeno 24 pacientů, 11 mužů a 13 žen. -
Ekonomická analýza nákladů na hospitalizaci pacientů s infekční komplikací totální náhrady. 2. část: totální náhrada kyčelního kloubu
(Česká společnost pro ortopedii a traumatologii, 2019)Diagnostika a léčba infekce kloubní náhrady je velmi nákladná. Autoři sledovali 36 pacientů s infekční komplikací totální náhrady kyčelního kloubu. Ženy převažovaly v poměru 20:16. -
Elektronická kancelář daňového poradce s pomocí BMD Software
(Komora daňových poradců České republiky, 2020)Příspěvek se zabývá současnými trendy a softwarovými nástroji v oblasti informačních systémů kanceláře daňového poradce. Je zde proveden popis základních funkčních celků aktuálních softwarových řešení, jejich hodnocení a ... -
Ensolisation-silylation reaction study of selected steroids.
(Institute of Analytical Chemistry AS CR, v.v.i., 2014)For the purposes of trace analysis of 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione (ADD), 1,4-androstadiene-3-one-17β-ol (Boldenone) and 17-β-estradiol in water, waste water, soil and for the further phytosterols transformation studies ... -
Environmentální bezpečnost a povodně
(Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2017)V posledních letech se lidé setkávají s celou řadou událostí naturogenního i antropogenního charakteru, které mají dopad nejen na lidské životy, zdraví a majetek, ale i na životní prostředí. Události zasahující do ekosystému ... -
Evacuation in case of a nuclear power plant accident - discussion of some ethical questions
(Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zdravotně sociální fakulta, 2015)Although the probability of a nuclear power plant accident in the Czech Republic is considered to be extremely low, authorities and citizens have to be prepared. An important part of emergency preparedness is the provision ... -
Evaluation of Health Literacy in Children and Adolescents in The South Bohemian Region, CZ, Using the Standardized HLSQ16 Questionnaire
(STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2018)This article introduces the results of quantitative research focused on the assessment of the health literacy of children and adolescents in the South Bohemian region. -
Evaluation of standardized questionnaire to assess health literacy in children and teenagers ant the utilization in practice
(STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2017)The goal of this paper is to present the research project ZGO2016_001 called "Health Literacy in Selected Group of the South Bohemian Population" and to inform about results of health literacy in children and adolescents group. -
Evaluation of standardized questionnaire to assess health literacy in children and teenagers ant the utilization in practice
(STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2017)The goal of this paper is to present the research project ZGO2016_001 called "Health Literacy in Selected Group of the South Bohemian Population" and to inform about results of health literacy in children and adolescents group.